


The Advance OB-501 was designed with a deep block profile to withstand rough terrain. This tyre is distinguished by its cost-effectiveness.
General comment on the specified technical data

Technical data on this website are based on manufacturer data or the ETRTO standard and are for informational purposes only.

We accept no liability for errors, omissions or incorrect information on this website. All information can be changed at any time without prior notice.

Manufacturer and ETRTO specifications are final.

Do you have questions about our tyres? Please feel free to contact us at any time - we will take care of your request as soon as possible!

5.00-8NHS 10 TT 3.00D 469 131 1000
15×7-8NHS 14 TT 4.33R 370 178
16x6-8NHS 14 TT 4.33R 401 152
18×7-8NHS 16 TT 4.33R 465 168 1000
6.00-9NHS 10 TT 4.00E 545 160 850
21×8-9NHS 16 TT 6.00E 533 203
6.50-10NHS 10 TT 5.00F 597 178 775
6.50-10NHS 12 TT 5.00F 597 178 900
23x9-10NHS 18 TT 6.50F 584 229
27x15-10NHS 18 TT 13.00B 686 381
7.00-12NHS 12 TT 5.00S 683 192 850
7.00-12NHS 14 TT 5.00S 683 192 900
7.00-12NHS 16 TT 5.00S 683 192 1000
27×10-12NHS 14 TT 8.00G 682 254 700
27×10-12NHS 20 TT 8.00G 682 254 1000
5.50-15NHS 10 TT
7.00-15NHS 12 TT 5,50 730 200 825
7.00-15NHS 14 TT 5,50 730 200 900
7.50-15NHS 14 TT 6,00 808 205 925
7.50-15NHS 16 TT 6,00 808 205 1000
8.25-15NHS 14 TT 6,50 847 236 800
8.25-15NHS 16 TT 6,50 847 236 925
250-15NHS 16 TT 7,50 735 250 700
250-15NHS 18 TT 7,50 735 250 1000
250-15NHS 20 TT 7,50 735 250 1000
250-15NHS 24 TT 7,50 735 250
300-15NHS 18 TT 8,00 840 300 850
300-15NHS 20 TT 8,00 840 300 900
28×9-15NHS 14 TT 7,00 706 221 1000
28×9-15NHS 16 TT 7,00 706 221 1030
28x12.5-15NHS 24 TT 9,75 711 304
32×12.1-15NHS 24 TT 9,75 825 304 1000
300/75-15NHS 18 TT 8,00 840 300
355/65-15NHS 26 TT 9,75 843 354 1250
9.00-20 14 TT 7,00 1038 259 800
10.00-20 20 TT 7,50 1073 278 1000
12.00-20 20 TT 8,50 1146 315 825
12.00-20 24 TT 8,50 1146 315 975
12.00-20 32 TT 8,50 1146 315 1250
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